Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Feliz Navidad, prosepero año y felicidad...

Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, Solistice, Kwanzaa, Jaded Atheistic Nothings, or whatever it is that you are celebrating this time of the year. All is well here in Panamá; I am currently in the lovely throes of a case of bronchitis, which made for a particularly cheery Christmas. It was a pity too, because I was going to play violin for the Christmas Eve mass with Chong, Aleida, Rafito, and various other school friends, but I went to the doctor, who promptly killed that idea. So I spent Christmas Eve mostly just sleeping, until, of course, midnight, when I was woken by a huge and magnificent fireworks display just outside my house and got up to find the family gathered around our cheerfully lit-up Christmas tree, exchanging gifts. I got some jewlery, a set of candles, some Bonny Doon soap, and a magnet for my family, and was kindly recompensated with some brand new underwear (even funnier than it sounds; Maruquel is always on my case about how ugly my underwear is). I don't mind though because more gifts would just mean more stuff I didn't need to have to fit in my suitcase in... just over a month (whaaaa?). As soon as I stop being sick I am going to enjoy summer break to the fullest. My next plan is to watch The Birdcage with Sebastian (I found it at a dollar store!) and bake ¨gay cookies¨ or rather chocolate rainbow chip cookies. Yeah, I love my friends.

I just got back from a super fun AFSy trip to Chiriquí, which is the part of Panamá near the Costa Rican border. We even went into Costa Rica for a few hours. Their side of the border is just as gross as ours! Whoopie! I loved Chiriquí because it was foggy, cold, and gorgeous, although the enjoyment of the cold part was dampered (ha. ha.) by the decided lack of sweatshirt and hot water. It was a good chance to bond with my AFS peeps, although by the end I did want to kill them a little, and I'm glad I went. On the way back at the zoo in El Valle de Anton, I saw a crested caracara, tapirs, and an ocelot! I was so happy. As my mom will tell you, I have been waiting my whole life to see a crested caracara. In a souvenir shop I bought a beautiful wooden braclet with beads carved like roses and leaves with a picture of an angel in the middle. Yay Jesus.

I miss all of you very much but I love Panamá, it is my second home and I feel more at ease here than I ever thought possible. I don't know what I'll do without the rhythms of salsa and merengue and bachata on the radio, or without friends who can dance them with me. I know a lot of you know salsa, but that is the thing we hardly dance here... merengue and bachata are both easier and more popular.

Til next time!

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