Thursday, August 30, 2007


I might even have friends.

There are awesome people, a band, a choir, and they call religion class "orientaciĆ³n."

Looks like I now have an excuse to both play flute and sing soprano- SWEET.

The uniforms are sweaty and uncomfortable for the weather, but at least everyone else look equally sweat-drenched. (well, okay, I get the short end of the stick because I´m the color of porcelain, but that´s how it goes.)

On the downside? Starting in the middle of year on chemistry and physics. Chemistry I like, but it´s confusing without background. Ah well, c'est la vie.


SeandSkye said...

What other classes are you taking? And how are they in Spanish....?

Young James Dean said...

I´m taking, to the best of my knowledge, PE, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English, Spanish, Ethics & Morals, Religion, and what seems to be Home Ec...

There may be differences that I don´t remember...

SeandSkye said...

Home ec? What does that entail? Learning to be useful? :)
And morals. Definitely useful... weird people.

Young James Dean said...

Turns out what I thought is home ec is actually basic technology, aka entering equations and making graphs in excel. hello 5th grade.

PE seems to entail giving oral presentations about various body systems. cooooool. I´m probably getting PE credit for this, too! MAGIC!

SeandSkye said...

Any luck with getting my letter? I really want to send another one, but I'm afraid of it not getting there...

Young James Dean said...

Um, still haven´t been to the post office. The letter should get there as long as it has my name on it though.

SeandSkye said...

Sweet, I'll write the next one shortly. Beware of mind-spew possibly.